SVAP – Rapid Watershed Assessment for the Western Balkans

REC BIH as a lead organization participates in the implementation of the project “SVAP – Rapid Watershed Assessment for the Western Balkans which is financially supported by the United States Forestry Service (USFS) / Department of Agriculture (USDA). The project is implemented in cooperation with REC offices in Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and North Macedonia.

Overall objective of the project is to offer support to local communities in processes of participation and engagement in local management of cross-border watersheds through advocacy and community action.

Specific objectives:

  • Building the capacities of local-level stakeholder, including watershed community members, CSOs and schools, to assess watershed conditions through SVAP;
  • Linking local-level structures through the standardization of the observation and SVAP assessment instrument and bringing these issues at the regional stage;
  • Networking among stakeholders at the regional level and increasing cooperation with local watershed governance bodies/authorities.

Project activities:

The activities are divided into two work packages and include activities on local and regional level:

  • WORK PACKAGE 1 – Capacity building for providing tools that enable the assessment of watershed conditions and its environmental implications.
  • WORK PACKAGE 2 – Support to local communities in the form of small grants for the administration of the SVAP methodology for assessing river course conditions and watershed parameters.

Project results:

  • Developed adaptation scenarios to climate change and increased tourism pressure based on community needs and suggestions
  • Developed “Position paper” based on community suggestion to impact local decision making (city/municipality councils) on addressing climate and increased trousim pressures on the water resources
  • Provided support to local communities in the region through the allocation of grant funds for the implementation of small initiatives which aims to help local communities in adaptation to climate change
  • Implemented the SVAP Protocol in local communities.

Project duration: 24 months (January 2023 – December 2024)

Overall project value:  174.775 USD

Coordinator: REC BiH – Resource Environmental Center

Partners: REC Offices in  u Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and North Macedonia

Source of Funding / Donor: United States Forestry Service (USFS) / Department of Agriculture (USDA).