Since its establishment in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the REC has implemented more than 90 projects. Many of them have been implemented within the Regional Environmental Center for (REC CEE), and since 2019, REC has been implementing projects as an independent organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A list of all implemented projects is available on request.
Below is a list of projects implemented in the last 5 years.
Number | Project | Period of implementation | Budget | Donor/Client |
1 | AIRQ – Strengthening the role of civil society organizations in promoting democratic principles and procedures related to SEA/EIA and environmental protection” | 01.06.2021 31.08.2021 | 45.900 KM | CPCD – Sweden
2 | Development of Waste Management Planes in three cantons in FBiH | 01.11.2018 01.11.2020 | 90.000 KM | Environmental protection Fund of FBiH |
3 | Development of Local environmental Action Plan for Municipality Hadžići | 12.12.2018 12.12.2019 | 18.000 KM | Municipality Hadžići |
4 | Working with Civil Society to Promote Sustainable Energy: Sustainable Electricity Use and Integrated Markets (EBRD 68395) | 22.01.2018 21.01.2021 | 247.000 EUR | EBRD |
5 | Southeast European Circular Economy Online Platform (SEE CEOP) | 01.01.2018 30.06.2019 | 50.000 EUR | Ministry Foreign Affairs – The Netherlands |
6 | Development of Management Plan for Protected area Nature Park Blidinje | 01.06.2018 01.06.2019 | 16.566 EUR | Federal ministry of environment and Tourism |
7 | ELAN – Environmental Lobbing and Advocacy CSO Network | 01.12.2017 01.12.2020 | 1.457.600 EUR | Sida – Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency |
8 | THEMIS NETWORK Promoting regional cooperation in South-Eastern Europe and Moldova via networking within the authorities responsible for the environment and justice sectors | 01.12.2011 30.09.2017 | 1.750.000 EUR | ADA – Austrian Development Agency |
9 | Analysis of Residential Construction Standards – Several Countries in ENR East and SEE | 19.01.2017 30.06.2017 | 19.000 EUR | ECOFYS |
10 | National Sustainable Development Goals Implementation Plans (Implementation of SDGs in Western Balkans) | 11.01.2017 30.10.2020 | 308.570 EUR | Umweltbundesamt – Austria |
11 | Support to water resources management in te Drina River Basin | 30.11.2016 31.08.2018 | 45.000 EUR | COWI – Norway |
12 | Better Access to Justice in the Western Balkan Countries | 01.09.2016 31.08.2018 | 200.627 EUR | German Ministry of Environment and Umweltbundesamt (Advisory assistance program) |
13 | Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS-GP) | 14.06.2016 31.10.2017 | 176.116 EUR | Engility Corporation |
14 | Vulnerability profiles & DRR measures in Agriculture in Western Balkan | 12.02.2015 31.12.2016 | 22.560 EUR | FAO Hungary |
15 | SEEDLING – Introducing the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Schools in South Eastern Europe | 11.01.2015 31.10.2018 | 1.400.000 EUR | ADA – Austrian Development Agency |
16 | Support Establishment and Advancement of Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) in Western Balkan Countries and in Moldova | 01.03.2015 31.05.2017 | 240.214. EUR | German Ministry of Environment and Umweltbundesamt (Advisory assistance program) |
17 | EMPHASIS-Effective Management of Pests and Harmful Alien Species – Integrated Solutions | 01.03.2015 28.02.2019 | 267.390 EUR | AGRINOVA |
18 | CRESSIDA: building local Community RESilience for Sustainable development in international watersheds such as the Drini – DrinaA river Watershed | 01.01.2014 01.02.2019 | 440.000 EUR | US EPA |