The Fourth Training on “SUSTAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT” was held in Sarajevo on 25 June 2021. This was the fourth in a series of trainings within the “AIRQ – Strengthening the role of civil society organizations in promoting democratic principles and procedures related to EIA/SEA) and environmental protection” project.
The training was aimed to strengthen the capacities of environmental civil society organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to expand their knowledge in the EU accession process regarding the transposition and implementation of horizontal waste management legislation as well as to enable participants to learn about positive practices from BiH in waste management matters.
Low level of awareness of the benefits and importance of preventing waste generation, its reuse and recycling, combined with inadequate policies and lack of investment in waste separate collection and treatment infrastructure, has led to Bosnia and Herzegovina disposing of 95% of its waste and thus irreversibly losing valuable resources, while creating pressure on the community, the economy, and the environment.
The waste management legal and institutional framework in BiH, the Waste Framework Directive, the Directive on Electronic and Electronic Waste were presented during the training, and the presentation was held on the harmonization and implementation of regulations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Representatives of the civil society organizations (CCOs) shared their experience and presented projects concerning the responsibility of the environmental CCOs in the waste management process, whereas municipal representatives shared views on the role of municipalities and local communities in waste management at the local level.
This CCOs professional development training provided an opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of sustainable waste management as well as to expand knowledge and enable networking of all participants with the view of new joint waste management-related activities.