This program area intends to provide support in improving environmental planning and environmental integration within all sectors, improving environmental management and investing in small environmental priority projects. By strengthening local institutions, considering environmental issues, promoting the sustainable use of resources, reducing the negative impacts of changing political structures and accelerating institutional reforms, the activities of this thematic area are aimed at strengthening the capacities of local institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region involved in sustainable planning and environmental management.

The following are the core activities conducted within the Environmental Governance and Planning program:

  • Providing support to the local communities in preparing local environmental action plans (LEAPs), local water security action plans (LWSAPs), local energy security action plans (LESAPs) and local biodiversity action plans (LBAPs);
  • Developing protected area management plans;
  • Developing waste management action plans;
  • Providing support in the implementation of small-sized local environmental investment projects defined by the planning documents;
  • Exploring further possibilities for the development of methodologies and tools for theme local plans in order to address the local community development needs in tackling sustainable development challenges (including climate change and sustainable use of natural resources); 
  • Organizing trainings and addressing capacity building issues on environmental management and planning for the local administration representatives.