Development of Waste Management Plans in Three Cantons in FBiH

Waste management plan is an implementation planning document regulating the conditions for waste management planning in the area of specific cantons and municipalities within the cantons. Development of a waste management plan is a legal obligation of cantons that simultaneously reflects the complexity of waste management activities, and serves as an instrument to be agreed upon by all relevant municipal authorities on the basis of which activities and investments in the waste management sector will be planned.


Overall objective of the project is to develop Waste Management Plans in three cantons: the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, the Posavina Canton and the West Herzegovina Canton.


Specific objectives:

Waste Management Plan had been developed in the three cantons as a core document for creating technical preconditions to begin introducing appropriate waste management system in the area, based on the principles of integral waste management. The Plan is to be based on the principles of sustainable development such as:

  • Waste generation preventive action,
  • Collection and sorting generated waste,
  • Waste evaluation (reuse and recycling),
  • Safe waste disposal.


Project activities:

The activities are divided into four project phases and include:



  • Establishing organizational structure
  • Introductory meetings


  • Analysis of legal, institutional and financial waste management framework
  • Analysis of producers and types of waste as well as current and future waste quantities
  • Analysis of current condition and infrastructure needs
  • Outreach
  • Preparation of documents on current waste-related situation, specifying issues


  • Defining waste management goals
  • Developing measures and activities program
  • Implementing risk analysis
  • Developing priority projects
  • Developing implementation monitoring concept


  • Preparation of draft Waste Management Plan
  • Preparation of final Waste Management Plan and its adoption


Project results:

  • An assessment of the situation and needs in the cantons has been included in the project.
  • Types, quantities, origin and flows of waste have been established.
  • A list of waste management priorities, waste management system organization plan and action plan for the determined priorities have been made.
  • Partnership between different stakeholder groups has been strengthened and their participation in the waste management decision-making process has increased.
  • The public has been informed and involved in the process of Waste Management Plan development.
  • Waste management has been improved.
  • The basis for systematic and appropriate waste management improvement has been created.
  • Waste Management Plans for the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Posavina Canton and West Herzegovina Canton have been developed.


Project duration: 24 months (November 2018-November 2020)

Overall project value: 90,000.00 BAM

Coordinator: REC – Resource Environmental Center

Project partners:

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Environmental Protection of the Herzegovina Neretva Canton

Ministry of Transport, Communications and Environmental Protection of the Posavina Canton

Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection of the West Herzegovina Canton

Source of funding / Donor: Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation of BiH