The Kunming Declaration was adopted during the high-level meeting, the first part of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
The Delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, led by the FBiH Minister of Environment and Tourism, Edita Đapo, attended this historical meeting where she addressed the participants on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Kunming Declaration, the latest globally recognized agreement on biological diversity, calls for urgent and integrated action for transformational changes of nature and humans in order to stop the current crisis of biological diversity. The document is available on:
This document shows that the main direct drivers of biological diversity loss are “the intensive land/sea use, overexploitation, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species”. The document emphasizes the urgent need for an integrated action for the purpose of synergy between the nature and people “where biodiversity is conserved and used sustainably, and the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources shared fairly and equitably, as an integral part of sustainable development.” The Declaration addresses the key elements necessary for the success of the Global framework after 2020: integrating biological diversity in the overall decision-making; progressive abolition and diverting of harmful subventions; strengthening the rule of law; recognizing the full and efficient participation of people and local communities and ensuring an effective progress monitoring and review mechanism.
From web site:
World leaders pledged to turning “the current loss of biological diversity and ensure that biodiversity is placed on the part of recovery latest by 2030, with the view of full implementation of the vision “Living in harmony with nature by 2050”. They also pledged to increase “the provision of financial, technological and capacity-building support to developing countries for the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework in accordance with the provisions of the Convention”. The Global Environment Facility (GEF), in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), has announced its readiness to urgently allocate financial and human resources to achieve the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework after 2020. Some governments also expressed their commitment to allocate further funds at the global level to preserve biodiversity and achieve the goals of the Global Framework.
The President of the Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, announced establishing of the Kunming Fund to support the Global Biodiversity Framework after 2020, for the purpose of which the Republic of China will allocate 232.47 million USD.
This year’s Conference is held in two parts. The first part was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim of making action plans for the next 10 years in terms of preserving the natural wealth of the Planet. The second part is scheduled to be held from April 25 to May 8, 2022, in which countries are to agree on a global framework for biodiversity after 2020, which will be held in Kunming in the presence of all Party representatives.
According to the World Wildlife Fund Living Planet 2020 Report, the global biodiversity loss has reached a critical point. The Report found an average 68% reduction in the size of the mammalian, bird, amphibian, reptile and fish populations between 1970 and 2016. It also noted a 94% decline in America’s tropical subregions, which is the largest decline compared to any other part of the world.
Summary of the conclusions of the High-Level Meeting of the Parties can be found on: