The Statute is REC’s core document regulating the establishment, management, control, and obligations of founders and governing bodies, activities, purpose and goals of the organization and all other matters defined by the BiH Law on Associations and Foundations.

REC Statute can be made available on request. 


REC Strategic Development Plan is a document created to respond to the challenges that REC faces in providing environmental protection services. In addition, the Strategic Plan is based on the need for specific profiling of certain activities aimed at achieving the set goals by implementing activities divided into specific tasks that are to be implemented over time, along with ensuring the quality of REC services. REC Strategic Development Plan was developed as a result of teamwork of experts, REC staff and beneficiaries of REC projects that helped REC to develop as one of the leading organizations dealing with environmental protection matters in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

REC Strategic Plan can be made available on request.  


Our achievements, impacts and financial performance are summarised each year.

REC Annual Reports can be made available on request.